Saturday 8 May 2010

CD Packaging: What Popular Musicians Can Do That New Musicians Can’t

We all know the relevance of CD packaging in the retail business and the music industry. It increases album sales, it helps define the musicians’ style and personality, and it has artistic value. A great CD packaging is especially important to rising new artists. They are still trying to squeeze themselves in the music industry and CD packaging is one avenue for their music and their band to get noticed.
Popular musicians can be more obscure with the CD Packaging; new artists should be clear with what the album is all about.
The design should also reflect the style and personality of the musicians and the kind of music they make. Madonna and Lady Gaga have the choice to be obscure with their CD packaging designs simply because they are already established musicians. They do not even have to put a picture of their faces in the CD packaging and people would still buy their albums. They do not have to show big and bold fonts of their names or their album names if their faces are already on the cover. The more popular an artist is the more he can get away with being vague with his CD packaging design. New and rising artists, on the other hand, need to be clearer with their names. Popular musician’s name may not be very clear and may not even show up in the CD packaging; new musicians’ name should standout from afar. The design should also say a lot about the musician and the album. Remember, you should make your CD packaging design thinking that no one knows you-that you are introducing yourself to the world for the very first time. A well-known band may or may not include a long info about them inside the CD packaging because well…they do not find it necessary anymore because most people already know them. It is very likely that they already have big websites and many people are following their every tweet. New artists, on the other hand, should maximize their CD packaging and use it as an avenue for self-promotion. New fans and friends of new fans get curious about you and would love to know you more. Introduce yourself and your music to the whole world. Afterall, you would not be doing this on your 4th or 5th album.

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