Monday 24 January 2011

Ideas For Wedding Processional and Recessional Music

Selecting appropriate music for a wedding ceremony requires careful consideration. The decision will be influenced by a range of factors, such as the location of the ceremony (i.e. church or civil wedding), as well as your views on traditional, contemporary or humorous musical choices.

There are a number of classical pieces which have become traditional for use in wedding ceremonies, and some of the most recognizable are used for the entrance of the bride. In English speaking countries it is often referred to as 'Here Comes the Bride' or 'The Wedding March'. However, the term 'wedding march' actually applies to any piece of music, of marching tempo, that is used to accompany the entrance or exit of the bride, and thus there are numerous other musical options available.

Wedding recessional music is played to accompany the exit of the bride and groom and the rest of the bridal party as they leave the ceremony venue. As with processional music, there are a wide range of religious and non-religious classical pieces which have become popular over the years. One of the most commonly used is Mendelssohns wedding march from 'A Midsummer Nights Dr

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